Tidings from Thomas - June 1, 2020

I have started and stopped writing these words multiple times over the weekend.  I have deleted text and thrown away paper because nothing I seem to write adequately conveys what I am feeling and thinking.  Regardless, I am compelled to offer a pastoral word in response to the events facing our nation and state.

I am horrified and angry at the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis.  Holy anger is an appropriate response.  After all, didn’t Jesus get angry and run the moneychangers out of the Temple?  Even though Jesus became angry, he remains the Prince of Peace.  Jesus models for us the importance of speaking truth to power, defending and advocating for the marginalized and vulnerable.  Jesus shows us that we are all children of God and are therefore one another’s brothers and sisters.  This holy anger should drive us to seek justice for all God’s children.

Over the weekend, peaceful protests in Charleston and Columbia descended into chaos.  Similar and worse events unfolded in communities across the nation.  Yet, there were peaceful protests.  It is possible to channel anger into positive action.  Let us resolve to transform anger into action.  Let us forge relationships with one another and work to bridge racial and social divides.  Let us seek reconciliation and find a way forward together as children of God.  My pledge to you is that Central will be a force for peace and reconciliation, thus making real our God-given mission to follow Jesus by loving God and loving our neighbors.

Consider these words of Martin Luther King, Jr. from Strength to Love, Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that.  Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that."  Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, whoever you are with, follow Jesus by loving God and loving your neighbors.

Yours in Christ,

Thomas W. Smith