Tidings From Thomas - Live-Streaming

A good friend of mine has rightly insisted on not using the phrase “new normal.”  We are adjusting to new circumstances and situations in every aspect of our lives, but so far nothing resembling normal has emerged.  For the church, worship has continued to be a moving target.

For most of the time, we were not worshiping in-person, we recorded our services in advance.  This gave Philip Maenza, our communications director, the ability to edit sound and video.  The result was a highly polished production.  As we transition into phased in-person worship, we are moving to a live-stream format.  A live-stream enables us to worship together in real-time, whether the worshiper is on campus or at home.  Since worship is going out live, we will not have the ability to edit sound and video before it is broadcast.  The polish will not initially be the same, but each week we will continue to build on what we have and improve as we go.  For example, last Sunday we had one camera.  This Sunday we will have the ability to switch between three cameras.  Last Sunday, a last-minute set of circumstances meant we could only use Facebook Live.  This Sunday we will be able to live-stream on YouTube, which means a clearer picture and better sound.  We are a work in progress and these examples are a few ways we are already improving.  

Although we are beginning in-person worship, we will continue live-streaming worship for the foreseeable future.  A strong online presence both nurtures members of Central and serves as an evangelism tool for those who are not part of the Central family.  We are treading new ground, learning from every experience as we go.  I ask your continued patience as we move forward.  I also welcome your feedback and input. 

There are some things everyone can do to help enhance the Sunday morning experience.

• Subscribe to the Central YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/channel/UCGfuOhTwi9Kyt5LuIGmq9Eg/videos

If we reach 1000 subscribers, YouTube will give us access to new tools and resources.

• Like the Central Facebook page at www.facebook.com/CUMC.SC.  All our YouTube videos are linked to Facebook.  Facebook likes and comments encourage people to visit the YouTube page.

• Regularly visit the virtual worship page and COVID-19 resource page at www.centralmethodist.net.  You can stream all video content directly from the virtual worship page.

• Whichever platform you use, click the like button on the videos you watch, comment on them, and share them.  This helps other people see them as well.

These are new ways to live into our mission of following Jesus by loving God and loving our neighbors.  Thank you for your faithfulness to God through Central and our shared mission.

Yours in Christ,

Thomas Smith