Tidings from Thomas - An Update

I have been thinking about the many stories the Bible gives us about God leading people through uncertain times.  Take the case of Moses, found in Exodus.  God called Moses to lead God’s people to the promised land.  After being saved from slavery in Egypt, the Israelites found themselves on the shore of the Red Sea with the Egyptian army bearing down.  When death seemed certain, God parted the waters and the Israelites walked to safety.  When they were without food in the wilderness, God caused a bread-like substance called manna to appear on the ground each morning.  When they were without water, God caused a spring to arise from a rock.  Despite the many ways God provided for the people, they wandered in the wilderness for 40 years before arriving at the promised land.  I am sure they more than once asked, “How long?”  They had no clear notion of God’s timeline for leading them to their destination.  The Exodus story is full of their frustrations and doubts.  Yet, at each pivotal point, God was faithful and provided what was needed.

We also find ourselves in uncertain times.  None of us like uncertainty.  We want to know what to expect, now more than ever.  By now, I had hoped to be able to announce a date on which we would begin reopening.  With the information we have available, I cannot at this point announce resuming in-person worship and other gatherings.  Regardless, I know with certainty that our ever-faithful God is leading us and providing for us.  We may not yet know the time of arrival, but this long and uncertain journey will end.

Next week will be an important week as we receive guidance from our denominational leaders and public health and government officials.  Reopening plans are under way and will be finalized as soon as we are able to do so.  Until then, please continue to pray for the clergy, staff, and lay leadership of Central as well as our bishop and denominational leaders.  Please continue to monitor your email, Central’s social media, and the COVID-19 resource section of centralmethodist.net for important information.  In the meantime, stay safe, stay well, and may God richly bless you.

Yours in Christ,

Thomas Smith