God's Church During a Worldwide Pandemic

God's Church During a Worldwide Pandemic

For now, all our ministries will continue as planned. We will remain mask optional, but I encourage you to consider wearing a facemask indoors. I also encourage you to be vaccinated against Covid-19 if it is medically safe for you to do so. Most importantly, please follow the advice of your healthcare provider regarding which precautions to take.

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! We celebrate anew the good news that Jesus Christ is born for us. Amidst all the hubbub of the day, take a moment to sit and reflect on the mystery of Christmas. A virgin named Mary give birth to God's only son. In this son existed the fulness of God. God's own self became a human being and lived a life like ours in every way but sin. In Jesus, God is with us.