Those Affected by Recent Tornadoes

Dear Friends, 

We have all seen the horrific images in the aftermath of the recent tornadoes that have affected parts of our country.  It is natural at a time like this to want to help and we as a church have the opportunity to do exactly that. 

 The United Methodist Committee on Relief, or UMCOR, is the United Methodist Church’s disaster recovery agency.  Because of the way UMCOR is funded, 100% of your donations go to the area of need.  UCMOR’s overhead and administrative costs are paid through the apportionments paid by each local church.  This means that if you give to a particular area of need, none of your donation is syphoned off for administrative purpose.  There are many good groups doing good work in the wake of this natural disaster, but I commend to you the work of UMCOR.  If you feel led to give to relieve work through UMCOR, you can do so by clicking the Donate Now button at   

 When we respond to our neighbors in need, we are the hands of feet of Christ.  Let us continue to pray for those affected and the people who are working to bring then aid. 

Yours in Christ, 