God's Church During a Worldwide Pandemic

Dear Friends, 

It seems we find ourselves in the midst of yet another spike in Covid-19 cases.  We at Central are working to identify the best way to move forward in mission and ministry until the tide turns.  Nevertheless, our mission remains the same and there is much work to be done.  It is incumbent upon us to continue following Jesus by loving God and loving our neighbors.  For now, all our ministries will continue as planned.  Most of our gatherings will remain mask optional, but I encourage you to consider wearing a facemask indoors.  I also encourage you to be vaccinated against Covid-19 if it is medically safe for you to do so.  Most importantly, please follow the advice of your healthcare provider regarding which precautions to take. 

While the news may seem discouraging, let us remember God has placed us in this place at this time.  Our job as individual Christians and as a church is to faithfully follow Jesus in here and now.  In thinking about this idea, I am reminded of something I heard a World War II veteran say.  Toward the end of his life, I was blessed to sit with this man as he reflected on some of his experiences as a pilot in the Pacific.  I thanked him for his service and for sharing his stories with me.  He responded by saying, “I didn’t do anything a million other men wouldn’t have done.”  When I encouraged him not to downplay his service, he said, “I was the one who was there when something needed doing, so I did it.”  That idea has stuck with me.  God has made us God’s church during a worldwide pandemic.  We are the ones who are here and the mission remains.  Let us continue to faithfully follow Jesus by loving God and loving our neighbors. 

Yours in Christ,  
