This Long, Strange Trip - Tidings from Thomas

Dear Friends,

It continues to be a long, strange trip through 2020.  Months ago, I thought fall would see a return to normalcy.  With regard to in-person gatherings, Central’s issue continues to be one of space.  Simply put, our spaces pose a challenge for groups to gather while remaining socially distant.  Our challenge remains in finding ways to balance the need to care for people spiritually in a way that ensures everyone’s health and safety.  With this careful balance in mind, I am pleased to announce we are moving forward with plans to hold more in-person gatherings.

Over the next few days, classes, ministry teams, committees, and staff will be planning for a greater degree of in-person gatherings for children, youth, and adults.  Our biggest challenge remains one of space.  But, we are working on plans for smaller groups to safely move in and out of buildings at staggered times and to meet in socially distant environments.  This will allow us to see one another face-to-face while ensuring a healthy and safe environment.  This presents a logistical challenge, so be on the lookout for communication from your various groups’ leaders about ways to proceed.

As in all things, this path forward must remain grounded in our mission to follow Jesus by loving God and loving our neighbors.  We serve God in uncertain times, but we are nevertheless called to serve.  The words of Romans 8:28 have remained with me throughout these months, “We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.”  Please join me in continued prayer for Central, that we follow God’s guidance as we move forward together.

Yours in Christ,
