World Communion Sunday

John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, called the Sacrament of Holy Communion a “converting ordinance.”  Through Wesley, we Methodists have inherited the idea that Communion is means of grace, that in Communion God conveys grace to us.  In that way the bread and juice are spiritual food, giving us the grace we cannot earn and do not deserve.  As food fuels our bodies, grace fuels our souls.  Holy Communion is one of the ways God does both of these things.  The tangible bread and juice signify the intangible grace God imparts.

Out of an abundance of caution, Central has not celebrated Communion since March.  All that will end on October 4th.  October 4th is World Communion Sunday, an annual observance on which Christians across the globe traditionally celebrate Communion.  This Sunday we celebrate our essential connectedness to all Christians as the one body of Christ, the church, by celebrating the church’s shared meal.  I cannot think of a better time for Central to return Communion to our worshipping life.

We will have to celebrate Communion a little differently than we normally would to ensure everyone’s health and safety.  We will have two outdoor Communion services under and around the porte cochere following our regular worship services at 10:00 and 12:15. This will allow worshipers from the Well and both sanctuary services to participate.  Rather than the traditional common cup and loaf, we will use pre-packaged bread and juice.  This is not theologically ideal, but it allows us to safely celebrate the sacrament.

I hope you are as excited as I am and I hope to see you Sunday!

Yours in Christ,

Thomas Smith