Further Updates for Worship - Tidings from Thomas

Dear friends,

One of the biggest issues in our church’s worshiping life over the last few months has been determining when it is safe to resume congregational singing.  I am pleased to announce that we now have plans to return congregational singing to our worship services!  Beginning June 13th, we will resume congregational singing in all three Sunday morning worship services.  This exciting change prompts three questions I’ve heard from many of you:

Why haven’t we been singing?  Medical and public health professionals advised that large numbers of people singing in confined spaces is unsafe, even when masked.  Also, guidelines from our bishop have asked us not to sing.  By God’s grace, the COVID situation seems to be improving daily and the guidelines for singing have changed.

Why is it safe to sing now With more people vaccinated, we don’t have to worry about sharing the same air as other people.  Studies have shown the effectiveness of vaccines in protecting people from infection.  The same science tells us that for those who are vaccinated, it is safer to return to normal activities, including singing.

Why wait until June 13th Vaccinations are now open to people aged 12 years and up.  Waiting a couple of weeks gives time for those who are recently vaccinated to build up antibodies in their systems.

Central’s mission is to follow Jesus by loving God and loving our neighbors.  Part of loving our neighbors has been to do things like wearing masks and refraining from singing.  Now, with just a couple of Sundays to go, we can sing about loving God and our neighbors and still make our worshiping environment safe.  Thank you for your continued patience as we work together to determine the best path forward. 

Yours in Christ,
