COVID-19 Protocol Updates

Throughout the COVD-19 pandemic, Central has followed the advice of public health officials and medical experts. Following the new guidelines from the CDC and DHEC, Central activities are now mask-optional for people who are fully vaccinated. Please remember that people who are not fully vaccinated are still at risk for contracting COVID-19 and it is recommended that unvaccinated people continue to wear facemasks. Regardless of your vaccination status, please follow your personal healthcare provider’s recommendations. In the new situation, two big questions remain.

First, what about children and youth? Vaccinations have recently been approved for those over the age of 12, but younger children have not yet had the opportunity to receive vaccines. Schools in our community are now mask optional regardless of vaccination status. Following the practice of the schools Central’s students attend, we will leave individual decisions regarding COVID-19 precautions to individual families. This includes letting parents decide whether their children will wear facemasks in ministry settings.

Second, what about singing? Early in the pandemic we learned about the potential harm caused by congregational singing, even when masked. We are in the process of researching what the new guidelines mean for congregational singing. Hymn singing will be back as soon as we are certain of how to safely sing.

We are once again walking a road that no one has yet traveled. Please be patient as we together discern the best ways to proceed. I ask your continued prayers that God lead us in our mission to follow Jesus by loving God and loving our neighbors.

Yours in Christ,
