Through a Meandering Detour - Tidings from Thomas

I’ve been thinking a lot the last few days about what it means for us to love our neighbors.  After all, Central’s mission is to follow Jesus by loving God and loving our neighbors.  I’ve especially been thinking of this as it relates to the constantly changing COVID-19 pandemic.  Regardless of the details of Central’s COVID protocols, we must proceed with the love of our neighbors in mind.  The state of the COVID-19 pandemic continues to change, meaning that how we love our neighbors through the pandemic may also need to change. 

The Board of Trustees discussed Central’s COVID protocols at its meeting this week.  As the group within our church that makes decisions regarding facilities and their use, the board discussed how the use of our facilities reflects our mission to love our neighbors.  To summarize, we are not changing Central’s COVID protocols at this time.  Even though we are mask optional, masks are recommended by CDC and DHEC guidelines.  With this in mind, we encourage you to consider wearing a mask in public areas.  Most importantly, we urge you to follow the advice of your healthcare providers regarding masks and vaccination.

In an earlier Tidings I compared the pandemic to a long car trip.  Like a long trip, the only way to get through it is to keep going with the knowledge that it will eventually end.  To add to the metaphor, imagine you are nearing the end of a long car trip.  When you arrive at a much anticipated Interstate exit, you see the exit is closed and traffic is being routed through a meandering detour.  The destination is the same, but the route has changed drastically.  Friends, we will get through this together.  In the meantime, let us continue to pray for our elected leaders, public health officials, healthcare providers, frontline workers, first responders, those who are at elevated risk of infection, and all those suffering the effects of illness.  Let us also continue to follow Jesus by loving God and loving our neighbors.

Yours in Christ,
