Holy Week at Central UMC

Dear Friends, 

It’s Holy Week, which means a LOT is going on at Central.   

Among other things, it means Easter is only days away.  Easter also provides an excellent opportunity to invite people to church.  If you have someone in your life you have been thinking about inviting, now is the perfect time to do so.  We also know that Easter brings many people through the doors who are not normally part of the Central’s worshiping life.  Easter offers us an opportunity to show Christian hospitality as we welcome visitors.  It is like opening your home to guests.  When we have guests in our home, we want to make the best impression possible and ensure guests feel welcomed and comfortable.  Likewise, we want our guests on Easter Sunday to have a meaningful worship experience and a positive impression of Central.    It is our job on Easter to proclaim the joy of the risen Christ and we want to do that as faithfully as possible. 

We also have special worship opportunities during Holy Week.   

  • Our Maundy Thursday service with Tenebrae is at 7:00.  This impactful service recalls Jesus’ institution of the Sacrament of Holy Communion and invites us to reflect on the events that led to His crucifixion.   

  • On Good Friday we will have a somber service at noon, reflecting on Jesus’ death. 

  • On Easter, we will move from the grief of Jesus’ death to the joy of His resurrection with our Easter Sunrise Service.  This service will begin on the Sanctuary porch at 7:30 and move into the Sanctuary after the greeting. 

  • We will also have our customary Sunday morning Sanctuary and Well services at 10:30. 

I hope to see you at these special worship opportunities and may you have a blessed Holy Week! 

Yours in Christ, 

Thomas Smith