Sunday Morning Schedule Update

Dear Friends,

This summer we have been engaged in a Holy Experiment. Holy Experimenting is an invitation to find new and more effective ways of fulfilling God’s mission through Central. Those of you who went through the Shift process may remember this definition. Holy Experimenting is characterized by the following:

·     We try new things, trusting that our efforts are focused on contributing to the fulfillment of God’s mission for us.   

·     We recognize that we may not know the outcome, but any outcome can be a step forward.   

·     We adopt a learner’s attitude, staying open to God’s guidance and intervention.   

·     We can quickly pivot and adjust as needs change.   

·     We allow ourselves to try new ways of being church, looking toward faithfulness to God’s mission rather than using the world’s standards of success and failure. 

Any experiment needs evaluation if we are to learn from the results. To that end, we conducted a survey. A link was sent to Central’s entire email list, and 326 surveys were completed. Cards with a link to the survey were also available on Sunday mornings. To summarize the results related to our experience this summer:

·     63.74% called the new worship time “extremely appealing” or “appealing.”

·     6.67% were neutral on the new worship time.

When asked about continuing with a new Sunday morning schedule past the summer:

·     58.16% expressed an interest in keeping the Summer Sunday schedule as it is.

·     17.80% were neutral on maintaining worship times.

When given an opportunity to offer comments, respondents overwhelmingly spoke positively about a feeling of togetherness, especially as it relates to the feeling of a full sanctuary. 

Some respondents expressed concern for the financial implications of an altered schedule. Our records indicate that through July 15, 2023, Central has received $1,071,888.38 toward the operating budget. We received $955,519.38 for the same period in 2022. In other words, Central is $116,368.93 ahead of where we were at the same point last year.

In considering the best way to move forward, three questions emerge as being of primary importance.

1)   At what time should the service be held?

2)   How would changing its service time affect the Well?

3)   What would be best way to promote a strong Sunday School program for all ages?

In seeking an answer to these questions, and having been informed by the survey, I have been in a period of deep discernment. Discernment is different than decision making. In discernment, we ask God what God would have us do. In decision making, we weigh the options and make the best decision we can. Discernment is God-oriented. Decision making is us-oriented. Despite my personal preferences or the preferences of the individual members, whatever we do must be what is best for the entire church. It must be what most effectively empowers us to follow Jesus by loving God and loving our neighbors.

In this process of discernment, the words of Hebrews 10:24-25 came to me, “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” 

Bearing all this in mind, I am firmly convinced that the best path moving forward is to continue to have one worship time, but to adjust that time to keep our Sunday School program at maximum effectiveness. Beginning August 6, our Sunday morning schedule will be:

9:30 AM                     Sunday School

10:30 AM                   Worship in the Sanctuary and the Well

Throughout our history, Central has been willing to try new approaches in fulfilling God’s mission. I ask for your prayers and patience as we try something new in our mission to follow Jesus by loving God and loving our neighbors. Let us go forward and join God in that mission.


Yours in Christ,

Rev. Thomas W. Smith