Christmas Eve Worship

Dear friends, 

I love Christmas Eve.  For my family, Christmas Eve means oyster stew, sugar cookies, and me watching the Pope’s midnight mass as everyone else goes to bed.  Most importantly, Christmas Eve provides the opportunity for worship. 

Worship is one of my favorite parts of Christmas Eve.  I am blessed to be in ministry with a church like Central, who does Christmas Eve so well.  This year is a little different since Christmas Eve is on a Sunday.  On Sunday morning of December 24th at 10:30 AM, we will have one combined worship service in the Sanctuary.  This morning service will not be a Christmas Eve service.  Rather, it will mark the Fourth Sunday of Advent.  As such, the morning service will not have Holy Communion and will not have the traditional lighting of candles.  We will have three Christmas Eve services that evening – Sanctuary services at 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM and a Well service at 4:00 PM.  I look forward to seeing you Sunday! 

Yours in Christ, 

Thomas W. Smith
Senior Pastor