Announcement from Today's Worship

Dear Friends, 


It was announced today in worship that our associate pastor, Rev. Derrick Cattenhead, is being appointed to serve another church.  His last Sunday with us will be June 19, 2022.  For six years, Central has been blessed by Derrick and his ministry.  Derrick, Chasie, and their sons are part of the Central family and we will miss them. 

Clergy are itinerate in the United Methodist system, meaning they are appointed by our bishop to serve churches one year at a time.  Each year the bishop and his cabinet, comprised of the district superintendents, go through an intentional process of prayerfully considering each pastor’s gifts and needs and each church’s gifts and needs.  This annual process usually results in pastors being appointed to continue serving their current appointments.  Sometimes the result is a pastor being appointed to serve a new church.  For Derrick, this annual process means a move to North Orangeburg United Methodist Church this summer.  Though we will miss Derrick, Chasie, Tyler, and Chase, this is a good move for Derrick and his family.  Between now and June, let us show Derrick and his family our love and appreciation for all they mean to our church and our community and let us send them forth with our blessing. 

On a personal note, I have been blessed to serve alongside Derrick as a colleague and as a friend.  I have seen first-hand his dedication to Central’s mission and ministry, the depth of his faith, and his passion for the Gospel.  Like you, I will miss Derrick.  Regardless, I look forward to seeing the powerful ways God will continue to use Derrick to advance God’s kingdom. 

Beginning June 29th, Central will have a new associate pastor, Rev. Ann Kovan.  Ann comes to us with a wealth of experience and the gifts and graces necessary join Central in mission and ministry.  Let us welcome Ann, her husband Andy, and their daughters Gabrielle and Claire in the loving Central spirit for which we are known. 

Over these next few months, let us pray or Derrick and the Catthenhead family, for Ann and the Kovan family, and for Central.  May God guide and bless these ministers, their families, and Central United Methodist Church as we follow God into new avenues of mission and ministry. 

Yours in Christ, 

Thomas Smith