Merry Christmas!  | Tidings from Thomas | December 25, 2022

And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father’s only son, full of grace and truth.  - John 1:14 

Merry Christmas! 

In and amongst the scattered wrapping paper and the dinner preparations, let us not lose sight of today’s true meaning.  God became a human being and entered the world.  Heaven touched earth and God took up residence among God’s people.  Christmas is not about presents, but it is about presence.  The primary message of Christmas is that God is with us.   

It is important that we take time in the busyness of the day to know that God is with us.  Noted author and speaker Brene Brown introduced me to the concept of mindfulness.  One way to think of mindfulness is the practice fully experiencing the present moment.  A simple mindfulness exercise is to pause in whatever you are doing and pay attention to your senses.  What do you see?  What do you hear?  What do you smell, or feel, or taste?  Linger with those sensations, focus on the experience, and simply appreciate them.  Now, add another level to that lingering.  As yourself, “Where is God in this?  What does this experience tell me about God?”  God is with you this day and every day.  Exercise mindfulness and pause to notice God’s presence. 

May God bless and once again, Merry Christmas! 

Yours in Christ, 

 Thomas Smith