Easter Worship

Dear Friends,

Last Sunday I preached about knowing when to change direction, both literally and metaphorically.  As we continue to approach Easter, I believe there is a need to change direction.  In short, on Easter Sunday morning we will have in-person worship with an expanded schedule.  We will have an outdoor sunrise service at 7:30 alongside The Well at 9:00 and Sanctuary services at 9:00 and 11:15. The Well and the 11:15 Sanctuary services will be live-streamed. 

When we first began planning for Lent and Easter, I was concerned that larger Easter attendance would make for an unsafe environment.  I also wanted people to be able to make plans well in advance.  However, the tide of COVID has continued to turn.  We still must take precautions, but we will safely gather for in-person worship.

We will continue to take the precautions we have had in place since resuming in-person worship.  But there is one more precaution we must take if we are to safely celebrate Easter in-person.  Namely, we will ask people to register in advance for the indoor services to ensure we maintain a safe occupancy level.  There will not be a registration process for the outdoor sunrise service. 

Registration will begin on March 22nd.  You will be able to register yourself through Realm or by contacting the church office.  We will share details of the registration process as the registration period draws closer. 

As our church family journeys through the weeks to come, I ask two things of you.  First, please be patient as we continue through this season.  Our ministry leaders are working hard to restore a sense of normalcy while balancing the continued need for safety.  Second, please continue to keep our church in your prayers.  I believe the end is in sight and Central is poised to do big things for the Kingdom of God.

It is a continued blessing to be in ministry with you and I look forward to walking with you into the next season of our life together as church.

Yours in Christ,

Thomas W. Smith