Tiding from Thomas - COVID-19 Update

It’s been a couple of weeks now that we have not been able to gather in person. Yet, we are continuing to find meaningful ways to gather virtually. Though it saddens me, virtual gatherings will be our way of being together for the next few weeks. Following the guidance of Gov. McMaster and Bishop Holston, all church meetings, events, and worship services will either be moved online or rescheduled through April 30th. 

I recently read a Patheos article entitled, “What the 1918 Influenza Pandemic Meant for American Churches.” Author Chris Gehrz cites an opinion piece written by Methodist revivalist George R. Stuart in the October 14, 1918 edition of the Birmingham Age-Herald:

“We have had the strange experience of a churchless Sabbath. What has it taught us? [It has taught] intelligent Christians to tempt God to perform a miracle in the preservation of our health… Christians do not discount their faith in the omnipotence of their God by keeping their bodies and homes and streets clean and non-germ producing; by using care in traffic and travel, accepting vaccination, sprays, and disinfectants and keeping God’s own laws of health and life. Any other course is the fruit of ignorance and false teaching.”

It was nearly 102 years ago, but Rev. Stuart recognized the Christian duty of thinking of others’ health and doing all we can do to further the work of healthcare workers, public officials, and those working to end the pandemic. The 1918 flu pandemic killed an estimated 6.5% of the U.S. population. Our Christian faith demands we do all we can to end the spread of COVID-19 so that no such disaster occurs. If online worship and virtual gatherings will halt the spread of this disease, then we should see them as a meaningful way we fulfill Central’s mission of following Jesus by loving God and loving our neighbors.

Let us see virtual worship and online gathering as a Christian service to the world God calls us to serve. To make sure you can fully participate in church life, follow Central on social media and keep up with the COVID-19 resource section of centralmethodist.net. Stay safe, stay well, and may God bless you.

Yours in Christ,

Thomas W. Smith