Tidings from Thomas - December 25, 2019

Merry Christmas!!!  Today we celebrate that God became a human being and lived among us.  We celebrate that God continues to live with us, within us, and among us.  The angels’ proclamation to the shepherds is the same one we hear today, “to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord.” (Matthew 2:11).  Christ is born for you!

We also hear Matthew’s words about the Virgin Mary, “But Mary treasured all these words and pondered them in her heart.” (Matthew 2:19).  Sometime today, I encourage you to take a moment to ponder.  Find a lull in all the activity between presents and food to sit, be quiet, and reflect on the mystery that Christ the Savior is born.  The Creator of the universe, the One who started the world spinning, became human for you.  Take time today to rest in that mystery, reflect on all the wonderful gifts of God, and offer a prayer of praise and thanksgiving.

One of the traditional Greek Orthodox prayers offered on Christmas morning includes these words, which I offer for you to ponder:

Christ is born, give glory!
Christ comes from heaven, meet him!
Christ is on earth, be lifted up!
O all the earth, sing to the Lord,
and sing praises in gladness, all you people,
for he has been glorified!

Yours in Christ,

Thomas W. Smith