After Sunday Thoughts - Rev. Ann Kovan - October 16, 2023

Click here to watch yesterday’s worship service!

Several people have asked me to send them the RELATIONAL acronym I used yesterday to sum up our sermon series on Faith Sharing the Wesleyan Way. The acronym is in the book, Transforming Evangelism: The Wesleyan Way of Sharing Faith, by Henry H. Knight III and F. Douglas Powe, Jr. (pages 89-101) 


Gospel Lesson: Matthew 22:34-46 


R – enewal -  in the image of God 

  • Conversion isn't the end but the beginning of a journey of transformation into the image of Christ. We should be growing in grace every day by loving God with all we got, and our neighbor as ourselves. 


  • We help others enter relationship with Christ and church community. If someone thinks all they need is Jesus and rejects the Body of Christ, they will miss out on the new life offered in Christ. 


  • Listen in love to others - learn their need, their story – it means getting involved with our neighbor. Everyone is our neighbor, we are especially to pay attention to those who aren't like us. We can do this by listening and learning about their life.  

A-cceptance (forgiveness) 

  • The miracle is we don't have to first change for God to accept us - this is Good News - grace and forgiveness are offered freely to every person. 


  • It's everyone's responsibility to talk (whether in writing or verbally) about what God is doing in their life: how do you see the Spirit at work guiding you, how does your relationship with Jesus affect how you make decisions, how does your church community add to your life, why is the gospel important to your life? 


  • We can be more welcoming. Invite and not be afraid of the response we may get. 

  • Are we open to all God's people? Our neighbor is defined as anyone. 


  • Loving God and neighbor is a daily commitment – we can’t love those who are hardest to love, those on the other side of the wall or issue without the daily help of the Holy Sprit. 

N-ew Beings 

  • Wesley encouraged a change from love of the world to a heart overflowing with the love of God that leads to a changed life; it is a process and a journey.  


  • We help others discover the certainty of God's forgiveness and acceptance – when we know we are children of God. Lives that produce fruit that is in line with the image of God is a sign of assurance. 

L-ive it 

  • We simply live loving our neighbors as ourselves every single day seeking to be transformed ever more and more into the image of Christ. We use the means of grace that connect us to God (how we can practice loving God with all our heart, mind, body and soul) and connect us to  

What is your story? How is God working in your life today? Your story has power to change lives!