After Sunday Thoughts with Rev. Thomas | November 28, 2022

I talked a great deal this past Sunday about Jesus’ first arrival into the world at Christmas and His Second Coming in the future. It didn't quite fit in with the theme of the message, but a fair question to ask is, “What do we do now?” We live in a time between what Jesus started in the past and what Jesus will do in the future. What are we to do while we wait in this in-between time? In short, we are called to continue Jesus’ ministry. God created the church to be Christ’s continuing presence in and for the world. Jesus returned to Heaven at His ascension. Regardless, empowered by the Holy Spirit, the church is Christ’s continued presence on earth. After all, doesn’t the Bible refer to the church as the body of Christ? Christ lives in the heart of each believer. As we continue Christ’s ministry on earth, we in a sense embody Christ to one another. As we wait, let us strive to be Jesus’ presence for a world the desperately needs Him.