Reflections on Sunday’s Worship with Rev. Meg Jiunnies | November 1, 2022

Reflections on Sunday’s Worship and Sermon

Rev. Meg Jiunnies


So much to think about at this past Sunday’s Worship Service!  Looking for Jesus in our world, in other people, in situations and circumstances, even Christian ones, isn’t always easy.  So much intrudes on our mission to intentionally seek God.  Most of all, we get in our own way.  And I’m the worst.  Because I am practical, and sometimes (ok, most of the time), task focused. 


But Worship. Well, Worship gives us that opportunity to bask in the presence of God.  Because we intentionally set the environment to do so.  That is why we call people to Worship, why we remind ourselves to prepare our hearts and minds to focus, why we put beautiful flowers in the chancel, why people greet you at the doors, why our choir and oh, so talented musicians practice and practice.  That is why we put our children in the pulpit to read scripture lessons, and invite the congregation to lift our voices vigorously in hymns (and why I make sure my mic is off when I sing). 


Thomas and Ann are wonderful preachers.  But they know, as I do, that is not the whole of Worship.  Sometimes, just like Thomas said, the words will strike a chord in you that is profound.  Sometimes you will struggle to focus.  That’s all right.  It isn’t about us, your preachers, anyway.  It is about God.  I hope and pray to see you this Sunday!