Reflections on Sunday’s Worship with Rev. Meg Jiunnies | October 18, 2022

Reflections on Sunday’s Worship with Rev. Meg Jiunnies


Oh, what an incredible rollercoaster life has a way of being!  We go from joy to heartbreak so rapidly that it makes my head spin and my heart full.  We have had such losses in our church family, earthshattering shifts, not of Covid or changes, but people – the real church.  But Sunday – well, the presence of the Holy Spirit filled the Sanctuary with hope and expectation and determination.


You see things from the chair on the chancel that I never noticed in the pews.  Even after studying the new program for stewardship, the meetings and phone calls, planning and writing, discussing and anxiety (which I know was not what God intends for us), I was still absolutely overwhelmed as our church family filled the pews, the children’s sweet voices rang out, Vivi’s remarkable reading of scripture, the inspiring message, and the choir and congregation singing in a way to make John Wesley proud!  But what brought me to tears were the faces of loved ones coming up to the altar.  People determined to slowly make their way up with help from canes, couples hand in hand to place a little piece of paper on the chancel rail, young adults and families making their way in line.  I had imagined as we thought the service through, but the reality included the presence of God in and out among us.  And as always, it was beyond my imagination.


As wonderful as those moments were, as hopeful and inspiring, it pales in comparison to the way our church went about being the church on Sunday afternoon.  A special lady, recovering from surgery spent her day at home.  She spoke to many people and was surprised by the flowers from the altar.  Just an ordinary day, but I can imagine she felt loved.


Then life shifted.  Our church family worried and prayed – just as we have for so many.  We waited, a call was made and the door that had been damaged getting to her was repaired.  Just as a matter of fact.  We waited.  Saw the fear in her child’s eyes.  And, then God took her into his arms, reunited, at home.  We get to think about this and consider this as we go about being God’s hands here.  As with so many others, we have big shoes from a tiny woman to fill.  That is what Church is.  That is the gift that we talk about over and over.  The hope, the love, the solace.  Thanks be to God.