Additional Thoughts with Rev. Thomas Smith | October 12, 2022

Like many churches, ours uses a three-year cycle of readings for worship called the Lectionary. For each week (or at least most weeks) there is a reading from the Old Testament, a Psalm, a New Testament Epistle reading, and a Gospel reading. There are Sundays when this is not the case, but it is the general pattern. In both The Well and Sanctuary services Sunday, we heard two excellent sermons from the Gospel reading.  As the one who didn’t preach on Sunday, I’ll reflect on one of the passages that was read in the Sanctuary, 2 Timothy 2:8-15.

Pay special attention to verses 11-13. We are told Jesus who died our death, who promises us a place in His kingdom, and who is faithful to us even if we are faithless to Him. It sounds to me like. This is what Jesus offers us and invites it to join Him in offering to others. That sounds a whole lot lot following Jesus by loving God and loving our neighbors!